What is it?
At one end of the spectrum, complete blindness affects around 16 million people globally. Causes include retinal detachment, amblyopia, glaucoma, congenital blindness, trauma, diabetic retinopathy, and various infections. Common eye conditions in the West include glaucoma, diabetes-related issues, and cataracts.
This section focuses on more prevalent but less severe conditions: short sight, long sight, and presbyopia. Vision typically worsens with age, but recent research suggests much can be prevented.
Causes of Eye Problems
1. Poor Nutrition: Deficiencies can lead to various eye issues, including vitamin A deficiency, which causes night blindness.
2. Poor Lighting: Inadequate lighting strains eyes and worsens vision.
3. Mental Strain: Stress and mental tension can contribute to vision problems.
4. Wearing Spectacles: Over-reliance on glasses can make eyes "lazy."
5. Lack of Eye Exercise: Insufficient eye exercise can deteriorate vision.
Prevention and Care Tips
1. Nutrition:
- Ensure a diet rich in vitamin A (found in liver, fruits, and leafy vegetables) and zinc, which supports night vision.
- Avoid food additives like monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can harm eyes.
- Maintain a balanced diet to prevent deficiencies and support overall eye health.
2. Lighting:
- Good lighting is essential, especially for older adults. Increasing bulb wattage can significantly improve vision.
- Avoid glare and bright zones by adjusting lighting or furniture placement.
3. Mental Relaxation:
- Relaxation exercises, like palming, swaying, and blinking, can relieve eye strain and improve vision.
4. Eye Exercises:
- Regularly perform eye exercises to maintain and improve vision.
- Examples include focusing on a near object and then a distant one, and moving eyes in various directions.
5. Reducing Spectacle Use:
- Gradually reduce dependency on glasses by using them only when necessary.
- Regular eye exercises can improve vision, potentially reducing the need for glasses over time.
Preventing and improving common eye problems involves a combination of good nutrition, proper lighting, mental relaxation, and regular eye exercises. By incorporating these practices into daily routines, you can maintain healthier vision and potentially reduce reliance on corrective lenses. Make these changes today to support long-term eye health and improve your quality of life.
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